Build to Print

Scaling Your Production

Build-to-Print Solutions for
Single-Source Plant Construction and Production

Offering flexible automation solutions tailored to our customers, BBS has the technologies, expertise, and infrastructure to carry out build-to-print projects.

Our full-service manufacturing facilities are able to react quickly and purposefully to your needs. Through the international collaboration of our sites, we can manufacture and deliver your build-to-print production lines wherever they are needed. Our standards ensure consistent quality and help you plan your production.

Benefits and
Special Features

  • Highly Economical Standards for Build-to-Print Solutions
  • Volume Manufacturing and Production Systems
  • Installation and Validation
  • Ongoing Service and Support
  • Optimized Build Times with 100% Monitoring, Reliability, Quality
  • Key Account Team Assigned to Each Project
  • High Security Area incl. Detectors Available